Butane Vs Hempwick
Winter is in full swing and we've been hitting the bong (a lot)... It's got us thinking; What's the superior method of lighting your bowl? We've tried, we've tested, and we've asked.
So first-up on our Myth-Busted segment:
Hemp Wicks:
Our first contestant. It's a natural option - the 'organic' way of smoking. Hemp burns at a slightly lower temperature than butane, so the science says it produces a better flavour by slow-roasting the terpenes instead of torching them. But the catch? It's difficult to put out.
We don't know how many times we've seen someone almost light something on fire trying to shake that flame free. Who wants that kind of distraction while you're savouring your bowl? There's also the odd time you pull too hard and diffuse the flame, jeopardizing that perfect bong toke moment with poor timing. How do you even light your hemp wick anyways? So ask yourself; how badly do you wanna savour those terpenes?...
Butane lighters are probably the most common way to smoke your bong. A staple in everyone's stash kit since early highschool days. The common lighter is tried and true. It's classic, it's simple, it's easy to extinguish. Plus everyone's got a Bic lying around somewhere; a quick look in a jacket pocket or between couch cushions is likely to produce results.
But how does it affect the flavour of your smoke? Cannabis connoisseurs will argue that butane ruins the flavour of your bud. Even the most unrefined palate can pick up on the subtle (and sometimes, not-so-subtle) chemical notes that butane produces. When you're spending your hard-earned money of quality bud, why compromise?
We took our debate to the streets and asked the community to weigh in:
The Verdict?
Butane takes the popular vote. Surprised? Neither are we.
Not down with Hemp or Butane?
Here's what you, the internet, had to say for alternatives..
Extended Reading:
Forget hemp wick or butane.
It’s all about Smoldering says Reddit user : ManyInterests
“The most efficient way of igniting the THC on/in marijuana is by smoldering. So, the way I see it, the best method is to use as low intensity of a flame/heat to ignite the smallest surface area in the bowl as possible to get a good smolder going, then once you've capped your breath, immediately extinguish the smolder. Doing all this while applying a constant inhalation strong enough to get all the burning chems in the smoking device. (as opposed to vaporizing into the ambient air around the bowl) “
That's all, thanks for reading!